Devotion is the Mechanism for Deep Alignment

when i look around at mainstream non-religious spiritual culture, i see mostly a lot of disembodied content about cute little “spells”, obsessing over protection via fear, and mantras to help you “get everything you want.”


i see nothing about Devotion —

the literal fuel of all the great saints, mages, ecstatics, and artists who’ve come before us.


and the more i’ve pondered it, the more i find it incredibly strange that we are not integrating, teaching on or even interested in this primary ingredient to transformation on a spiritual path.


in 2024 in the western world spirituality culture, we want to hack it.


we want to figure out how to become all powerful, get all the stuff we want, stay safe forever, while also staying comfortable all the time and looking “normal” on the outside but being a cute “witch” when it’s a full moon.


here’s the thing : that… is not a real thing.


here’s another thing : you can keep doing a little spell for your love life, a little spell for your money, a little spell for this email and that email, a little spell for your apartment, a spell for protection from a thing someone told you to be afraid of —putting out little fires everywhere—


you can embark on the path of Devotion.


Devotion is the mechanism for alignment — which is committing to the surrender + ongoing transformation of becoming the ONE.


when we have truly alchemized, initiated, practiced and hold the power we have truly been gifted through Devotion,

we don’t have to worry about a little spell for this, a little spell for that.

because your will has become united with divine will

and you now embody a profound and inexpressible trust in Life beyond this life

and you reside in the peace and the power of that integration.

you don’t have to do magic anymore because you have become magic.

and then you can really get down to the business of being here on Earth as you Are.


and that, my friends, is something only Devotion can invite you into.


Devotion is the path where you allow yourself to be claimed by the Thing that wants you

so your life becomes the fertile, abundant soil for the embodied divinity you are.


you become the wand.


does that mean the little “i” must surrender and even… “die”? yes.

all great mystery traditions are about death and life,

life after death,

dying to become alive

“dying before you die”


and that’s not a coincidence.


no mystery = no magic.


magic is not about manifesting that expensive shirt you want on sale or putting the right archetype picture on Instagram. 


it's not about reading a bunch of books on occultism so you can read more books on occultism and find more books on occultism to read. it could include some of these things but that’s not what it IS.


magic is the bait the gods use to reel you into devotion so that you become so enraptured, en-blissed, that you are happy to constantly live into whatever the I AM’s want sounds good because i am the I AM. and because my will is divine and united and aligned, what i do is True and becomes so.

magic comes to claim you and disrupt your mundane life

until the magical and mundane become embroiled, alchemized together.

they toss you about on the sheets of your life bed

that can look disruptive and messy on the outside

but inside the sheets of your heart

it’s the Beloved and it’s perfection.


and because there is essentially no teaching on Devotion (on mainstream anyway), those who would become the next generation of powerful initiates get stuck at a bridge and stagnate. because when you look around you see :

  • lots of virtue signaling self-righteous people completely stuck in the matrix who have belittled their work-mission to being about their best matrix life

  • lots of spiritual bypassing into fake devotion, victimhood and lack of accountability

so those who are actually ready to bend into a deeper path are like…

both of these options ⬆️ feel a little off so i guess i’ll stay here — healing my trauma over and over and again.


yes, love yourself always forever.

heal yourself always forever.

get INTO your body

so that you can be IN it as fully as possible — 

otherwise, where is the god-you going to descend into if you aren’t really here?

there are whole lifetimes that are only about these things. 

it is very important work, and it must be done.


but i also want to speak to those who are like… is this it?

don’t i have… a mission or something?


or do i just do shadow work for the rest of my life

light candles on full moons and hope that’s enough?


aren’t there like countless founts of creativity and conduited Energy and god-ness i could be to be experiencing, funneling in?

where is that at?


no, this is not it,

yes… yes you do

and yes there are.


you came here to become the ONE, the Tree of Life, and manifest Eden onto this plane of Reality at a crucial point in humanity’s herstory.


and that, beauties, requires devotion.


like all initiations… it requires you to go underground to the place of Mystery and Un (yet-to-be) known

to become devoted to the Revelation you find there

which is surrender and Beauty and being reborn.




you’re ready to become the wand.


Purification Gives Us Back to Ourselves


ever feel like you’re “too much”?