YOU are the Wand

the magic is only as

good as the wand.


and you are the wand. 


the Universe is not North American Santa Claus

going to the store to buy random things to give you

when you remember to ask.


the Universe, is a co-creative Reality

acting and responding with your field and the fields 

of everyone else.


anything you ask for or want to bring into the world

into your life

into your experience

into your heart

must come through you.


you are the conductor, the antenna, the transmitter.

we are the ones. 


we can want and long for liberation

for others and the world 

as much as we want.

but if we don't embody liberation, then there is no way we are bringing that through.



we can't give what we don't have

or what we don't have access to.



if we are stuck in trauma, shame, blame, anger, overwhelm, or reactivity 

(which most people are)

then that is what will come through our field into the world

regardless of our words, intentions, spells, or social media posts to the contrary.


you are the wand. 


the vibration you are able to hold matters.

it matters a lot.


it's not about what you say

and it's not even about what you do

it's about who you are

and the quality of presence that is able to shine through your field.

the more aligned that is, the more the radiance of your true desires and visions will shine forth and be made manifest. 


so, yes, heal thyself

so that you can….

not be perfect

but be whole.


so that we may bring wholeness

and healing.


polish the stone.

purify the wand.

clean the windows.

heal the body.


may all beings be free.

may it be so.


say YES