the SUN is the portal

the SUN is the radiant, beating heart our solar system.


the SUN is our portal into and out of this particular system that we live in here as Earthlings. It’s a solar system, after all, with the SUN as its radiant, beating heart — its gravitational pull across the universe that says “here’s where you get off the bus to land on Earth!”


or Venus, or Jupiter, or any of the other planets in our solar system.


that’s the macro.


on the micro, the SUN is your heart,

your organizing principle,

your gravitational pull.

the heart is the portal into and out of this life 



often, when introducing new clients to their chart for the first time — i describe the SUN as “that which is eternal about you.”


a through-line to the other lives

that which is beyond, but also ON, Earth.

it’s the part of us not bound by time

but being lit up withIN time

for right now.


it’s the part of you that is more than your current personality.

it’s a fingerprint for a pull, a belonging, a radiance

that you have

across the Universe.


so what does this have to do with Devotion?


ultimately… devotion is

devotion to the One

which is devotion to the Self

as part of the Whole.


it’s devotion to the integrated, shining, radiant

You who belongs.

the heart… that pulls the system around it to turn and dance.

the fingerprint of radiance… that shines on everyone.


the part of you that you will find in every lifetime.

yes, we don’t get out of the game.

wherever you go, there you are.

and devotional work

god-work (theurgy)

SOLAR work


our skillfullness

with how we move in and out through the portal of this plane

with how bound we do or don’t feel by it

and how creatively (how god-like) we express the Truth through Life with Beauty.


all of our work with the planets is in service to the SUN,

is only as good as it is in service to the SUN.

and it is in service to the Whole

just as it is in fulfillment to your YES.


the service from radiance is what completes

fills the cup of the Self.


the SUN is the Story of Humanity

happening now.


and we all know,

you know,

what part of the story we are at.


you are the key.

you are the SUN.


how we spend our time


so you want godlike powers?